Tuesday, January 17, 2012

Yay! Jan 15

Hah!  I did it... I actually had 4 cards finished by Friday - here they are:

Then, Friday night I got a call from my best customer, Mary Ellen, for another dozen of my Tea cards.  Now, she had cleaned me out of them with her last order of a dozen just before Christmas, so I didn't have any ready.   So Saturday I made 9, and Sunday 3 more, and mailed them off to her on Monday.  Here they are: (and no, I won't be counting them for next Sunday's lot!)

and with this 12th one, I also took a picture of the inside:

And because she is such a great customer, I gave her 4 gift cards:


  1. Oh Margaret, those are soooo pretty!
    I would LOVE to receive one from you for Chinese New Year, even though they are Japanese in style. Hint...hint...
    I made 8 more mini cards and sold them, and a previous customer wants some more Christmas cards. Yay!
    How do you mail the cards cheaply? Is it expensive?

    1. Hi Loretta.
      I frequent the dollar stores - you can get lots of lovely stickers and papers there, very cheaply. Also, that's where I get the double sided tape - 1 roll does over 20 cards, so at $1.25 per roll which works out to about 6 cents per card.
      I also get some of the stuff through ebay - the washi paper for instance. A 6x6 inch square of washi paper is about a dollar a sheet at Michaels, but through ebay, even with shipping, you can get them for about 50 cents per sheet. The same with the charms that I use - ebay!
